I came to know Rep. Townsend in 1997 when I was elected Anderson County Republican Party Chairman. I will miss serving with Ronny on the delegation, yet look forward to a continued friendship for many, many years to come.
Below is Rep. Townsend's bio:
Biography:TOWNSEND, Ronald Parker [R]-- (Dist. No. 7, Abbeville-Anderson Cos.)--Businessman; residing at 2328 Wright School Rd., Anderson; b. Feb. 17, 1948; s. William R. and Lena Mae (Parker) Townsend; g. Clemson Univ., B.S., 1970; Aug. 2, 1969 m. Patricia Lynn Fields, 2 children, Lisa Marie and Laurie Anne; mem.: Anderson Co. ASCS Co. Com., 1977-83; Bd. of Trustees, Anderson Co. School Dist. Two, 1980-84; Chm., Educ. & Public Works Com., 1995-; Bd. of Dirs., Transportation Infrastructure Bank; Educ. Oversight Com., 1998-02; Southern Regional Educ. Bd., 1995-; Chm., Anderson Co. Legis. Delegation, 1989-; Co-Chair, S.C. Educ. Lottery Oversight Com., 2002; Sun. School & Training Union Teacher, Deacon, Mt. Bethel Baptist Church; prev. serv. in House 1985-05.
Again, thanks Ronny!