Tuesday, October 30, 2007

military deaths per year

I found some interesting statistics the other day. Below is a list of deaths per year in our Military. My heart goes out to all of the families that gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. Thanks to the poster for revealing a pasting error. The figures come from page 10.


You may initially feel confused when you look at these figures --especially when you see that in 1980, during the term of President Jimmy Carter, there were 2,392 US military fatalities. What this clearly indicates is that our media and our liberal politicians pick and choose and tend to present only those facts that support their agenda driven reporting. Another fact our left media and politicians like to slant is that these brave men and women losing their lives are minorities. Wrong again - Iraqi Freedom Fatalities over March 2003-June 2007 appear similar to our population breakdown. Regardless of how we crunch these numbers, we must remember that these figures represent the life of a son or daughter that gave up our their life for our freedom. (from page 22):
American Indian or Alaska Native...........259......1.00%
African American........................2,1108........17%
Hispanic or Latino.......................1,682......6.51%
Multiple races, pending, or unknown......2,377......9.20%
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander........146......0.57%
Total 25,830

These statistics are published by DOD