Thursday, June 23, 2005

SCGOP: Top 10 reasons why Democrats won't go see Howard Dean

S.C. GOP Press Release
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:Thursday, June 23, 2005
Contact: Jay W. Ragley(803) 988-8440
Countdown To Dean: Day 6
Top Ten Reasons Why A Palmetto Democrat Won’t Attend Next Week’s Fundraiser With Howard Dean(Columbia, SC) – Today, the South Carolina Republican Party releases its latest Top Ten List: Top Ten Reasons Why A Palmetto Democrat Won’t Attend Next Week’s Fundraiser With Howard Dean.
10. You don’t have anything to wear because Inez Tenenbaum borrowed your red dress.
9. You think a “moderate” Democrat like Ted Kennedy would make a better DNC Chairman.
8. You didn’t win first place in the SCGOP’s Howard Dean Scream contest.
7. You’re on location in France taping action scenes for Michael Moore’s latest film.
6. You’re still blue over John Kerry’s loss in South Carolina by 17%.
5. You have to stand in line for Barbra Streisand concert tickets.
4. You’re too busy assembling “Hillary For President” yard signs.
3. You’re still counting hanging chads in Florida.
2. You’ve heard that Howard Dean hasn’t changed his “lucky” socks in 2 years.
1. Oprah is on.