Monday, June 20, 2005

Recidivism in SC Prisons (by Mike Walker)

Below is a new topic for discussion on recidivism in our SC Prisons. I'll get some stats posted shortly!
"I would like to inform myself about the recidivism rate for prisons in SC. Are there statistics available beyond the normal three year window? I would be very interested in efforts by others to reduce the recidivism rate and what is being done by other states. I believe a 1% reduction in recidivism would be a huge financial boon to SC and a wonderful humanitarian result as well. You may be aware that my wife visits Leath Womans facility in Greenwood every week (as well as visiting other facilities here in Anderson and Columbia on other schedules) to seek to serve the women there and especially to help them transition to outside life. We often offer short term housing in our home for newly released women waiting to get into a treatment center. We are praying for God to enable us to serve exoffenders and offenders to see them stand and be happy and productive citizens.If there is anything that we can do to serve in seeking a reduction in recidivism (even if it is one person at a time) please let us know.God bless you for your labors, you can be sure you are often in our prayers and your blog will help us pray in a more informed way --thank you"Mike Walker