September 26, 2006
Contact Charlie Szrom
(219) 771-3281
www.mccainmovement.comConcord, NH – Citizens will rally at the New Hampshire State Republican Convention on Saturday to highlight the groundswell of support that Senator John McCain enjoys across the country. The activists, members of the Draft McCain Movement, hope to convince McCain to run for president in 2008 by persuading Granite Staters to throw their backing behind McCain, just as they did when they chose the Arizona Senator in the state’s 2000 primary.
"The American people need a leader who will work for pragmatic solutions that help the whole nation, not just his or her poll numbers," said Charlie Szrom, Draft McCain Movement Chairman. "We’re just average Americans who want to do our part to build momentum behind the man we believe best suited to fix our nation's problems in these challenging times."
The Draft McCain Movement is the largest and oldest grassroots group advocating for a McCain presidency in 2008. It held its first grassroots event at the Iowa Republican Convention in June 2006, has registered with the FEC under the name "Committee to Draft John McCain’, and has state coordinators in 14 states. Draft McCain Movement activists will staff a table at the convention, hand out literature, and highlight the reasons for Sen. McCain’s wide following across the U.S. through conversations with fellow attendees.
New Hampshire, with its first-in-the nation primary, has consistently played a critical role in determining the course of presidential elections. While the Draft McCain Movement may be unprecedented, presidential draft movements have existed as recently as the 2004 Draft Wesley Clark movement and as far back as the movement that convinced Dwight Eisenhower to run for president in 1952.