Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Inglis Ingenuity Again

I've always been intrigued with Congressman Bob Inglis's cleverness and original ideas. I just got this e-mail inviting folks for ice cream.

Help Bob Sprinkle a Little Sunshine!and eat free ice cream.
We’re so optimistic about America’s prospects that we want to sprinkle a little sunshine (with our yard signs) all over town. And we may as well have fun while we’re at it. So here’s the plan: Join us for ice cream (our treat) at one of these locations:
Saturday, September 30, 4-6 p.m.Johnson Brother’s Peach Shed6490 New Cut Road, Inman
Saturday, October 7, 4-6 p.m.Dillard’s Ice Cream Parlor504 S. Buncombe Road (Hwy 14), Greer

Check out his website and you'll see Bob jumping up behind a house door and dancing in sunglasses...That's Bob!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


September 26, 2006
Contact Charlie Szrom
(219) 771-3281
Concord, NH – Citizens will rally at the New Hampshire State Republican Convention on Saturday to highlight the groundswell of support that Senator John McCain enjoys across the country. The activists, members of the Draft McCain Movement, hope to convince McCain to run for president in 2008 by persuading Granite Staters to throw their backing behind McCain, just as they did when they chose the Arizona Senator in the state’s 2000 primary.
"The American people need a leader who will work for pragmatic solutions that help the whole nation, not just his or her poll numbers," said Charlie Szrom, Draft McCain Movement Chairman. "We’re just average Americans who want to do our part to build momentum behind the man we believe best suited to fix our nation's problems in these challenging times."
The Draft McCain Movement is the largest and oldest grassroots group advocating for a McCain presidency in 2008. It held its first grassroots event at the Iowa Republican Convention in June 2006, has registered with the FEC under the name "Committee to Draft John McCain’, and has state coordinators in 14 states. Draft McCain Movement activists will staff a table at the convention, hand out literature, and highlight the reasons for Sen. McCain’s wide following across the U.S. through conversations with fellow attendees.
New Hampshire, with its first-in-the nation primary, has consistently played a critical role in determining the course of presidential elections. While the Draft McCain Movement may be unprecedented, presidential draft movements have existed as recently as the 2004 Draft Wesley Clark movement and as far back as the movement that convinced Dwight Eisenhower to run for president in 1952.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Marriage Amendment Lunch draws 80

On Wednesday, we had about 80 folks come out for a presentation on strategies to promote the upcoming constitutional ballot initiative for the Marriage Amendment. We heard from Rev. Brent Armstrong (Oakwood Baptist) and Mr. Steven Loughridge (Palmetto Family Council) Also, we were lead in prayer by Rev. Lloyd Robinson (Unity Baptist Church) and Rev. Ed Nelson (Cornerstone Assembly). WYFF TV-4 was on hand and gave us positive coverage.

Monday, September 11, 2006

PETA is helping Karen Floyd

I received an e-mail from the Karen Floyd campaign last week announcing a dove shoot/fund raiser in Florence on Monday. I’m always impressed to see a candidate host an event different from the traditional stump BBQ. I still love the BBQ & politics combination, however, the candidate for education superintendent has thought out of the box again.

Now, from the good folks at we learn that PETA (people for the ethical treatment of animals) has criticized Karen Floyd’s campaign for this horrific event.

I just don’t get it. In SC we learn to tote a shotgun before we walk. Does PETA actually think the open criticism of Karen Floyd will hurt her campaign? Go ahead, Karen, tally up the Bubba vote!

Friday, September 08, 2006

Marriage Amendment Lunch 9/20

What: Marriage Amendment Lunch
Whom: All Community Leaders, Activists, Pastors
When: Wednesday, September 20 @ 12 noon
Where: Fuddruckers, Clemson Blvd/I 85, Anderson
I am hosting a luncheon specifically to discuss the upcoming ballot initiative concerning marriage. This amendment will define marriage as a union between one man & one woman in SC’s Constitution. The choice will go to the voters in the November election. The Dutch treat lunch will be at 12 noon on September 20 at Fuddruckers on Clemson Blvd. If you or someone you know would like to attend, we’d love to have you. To reserve your space, please call me at 864-202-8394 or e-mail me at If you can’t attend and would like more information, please don’t hesitate to contact me. You may also visit for more information on the amendment. Also, I’ll be distributing information flyers, bumper stickers and yard signs promoting this definition of marriage.